South Africa is quickly running out of landfill space and people are not wasting any less nor recycling more. As part of the larger UCT community, the HPI d-school Building needs to play its part in reducing waste.
The University of Cape Town produces nearly 5 to 7 tonnes of waste daily, of which at least 60 to 70% is recyclable. Waste recycling is one of the simplest ways to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. For example, 90% of the energy used to produce a tin is saved by recycling one used tin.
Recycling is one simple change that can reduce UCT’s carbon footprint and at the same time change the waste management behaviour of more than 20 000 students annually.
Recycling bins are provided throughout the building and occupants are encouraged to use them extensively.
In addition to the bins, the waste storage area in the building has been designed to accommodate preliminary sorting prior to being taken off-site to the UCT main waste and sorting facility.
The aim of this credit is to encourage and recognise the inclusion of storage space that facilitates the recovery and recycling of resources used within buildings to reduce waste going to disposal.
Copyright 2024 Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika*