The Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika*  (d-school Afrika) at the University of Cape Town (UCT), equips you with the skills to Reframe, Rethink and Resolve real-world problems.

Based at UCT’s middle campus in Cape Town, South Africa, we aim to empower people from all over the African continent to embrace a design-led thinking mindset to create human-centred solutions that meet the demands of an ever-changing planet. 
By offering experiential training, guiding the practical application of design thinking within organisational structures, and making programmes relevant to modern-day challenges, the Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika* is producing a calibre of African thought leader whose contributions can change the continent – and the world.
The school was founded in Cape Town in August 2015 with funding, IP and academic support from Dr. Hasso Plattner and the Hasso Plattner Foundation — co-founder of software company SAP AG and chairman of its supervisory board — and the Hasso Plattner Trust.

Since opening its doors in 2015, the Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika* has:

Graduated over 700 curious thinkers completing the d-school’s flagship programme, Foundation Programme in Design Thinking.

Expanded our network and worked with over 15 project partners who provided a unique real-world challenge that students worked on using the design-led mindset to present their innovative solutions.

Launched an additional 64 student programmes.

Hosted over 120 professional programmes.

Built strong partnerships with over 50 clients aiming to make design thinking accessible to all.

Moved into our new home - HPI d-school building - situated on UCT’s middle campus in 2022.

Hosted the first African d-confestival over 3 days with over 300 delegates and 50+ speakers from all over the globe

Embedded in every Afrikan home language is the use of the letter ‘k’ in the name Afrika.
We choose to recognise our continent with its original spelling, allowing it to remain true to its identity, history, and people.

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