Internal noise is a significant factor in terms of occupant satisfaction and wellbeing. It can have a major influence on productivity in the workplace and is recognised as a health hazard by the World Health Organisation.
Ambient noise level is a measure of background sound that tends to be of low intensity and is present for most of the time. In a building, it is defined as the noise level in a space caused by a composite of sounds from HVAC, equipment, lighting systems, computers, activity noises and the like, but excluding specific sources of interest, such a person talking in an adjacent space. Excessive amounts of ambient sound can cause stress, which can impede an individual’s ability to work well or to be comfortable.
The acoustic design of the HPI d-school Building is aimed to ensure that noise from building services and ambient sound level do not exceed the design equivalent continuous rating levels as set out in SANS 10103:2008 – the South African Standard for The Measurement and Rating of Environmental Noise with Respect to Annoyance and to Speech Communication. The spaces are designed so that the reverberation time does not exceed recommended values.
This is achieved through the installation of the acoustic baffles in the studio spaces, with vibration dampeners on the footing of heavy equipment such as the generators and chillers and silencers in the ducting before and after ventilation fans.
The aim of this credit is to encourage and recognise buildings that are designed to maintain internal noise levels at an appropriate level.
Copyright 2024 Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika*