Electric and Hybrid Vehicles

Dedicated parking spaces and charging points are provided for electric and hybrid vehicles for any staff member and / or visitor.

Emissions from the transport sector in South Africa account for more than 10% of the country’s total greenhouse gas emissions. In addition to these direct emissions arising from the combustion of fuels, there are indirect emissions from the production, refining and transportation of fuels.

Choosing to drive an Electric Vehicle can reduce local air pollution, reduce the countries reliance and cost of imported fuels and move towards reduced greenhouse gas emissions, thus helping to combat the overall effects of climate change.

Given the fossil fuels associated with electricity production and the pressures on South Africa’s electrical power generation and distribution systems, EV’s should preferably be charged via renewable energy and in future may even assist as back-up power sources.

The d-school building has provided dedicated preferential EV parking spaces in the basement. In addition to providing 2 charging stations, there are additional bays which have been equipped with electrical infrastructure for future EV charging stations.


  • TRA-02 – Fuel-Efficient Transport

The aim of this credit is to encourage and recognise developments that facilitate the use of more fuel-efficient vehicles for staff and visitors / students travelling to public or education buildings.

  • INN-03 – Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment

The aim of this credit is to encourage and recognise developments that facilitate the reduction of local air pollution and carbon emissions associated with vehicle use by installing Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (ESVE) for charging of Electric Vehicles (EV’s).

Copyright 2024 Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika*
