Generator emissions

The emergency generators have been selected so that they have minimise harmful emissions into the atmosphere when they operate, thus reducing the contribution to local air pollution.

Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) emitted from the burning of fossil fuels contribute to the build-up of local ozone levels and cause local pollution. They may also contribute to more wide scale pollution problems through deposition in the form of acid rain.

Generators in buildings do emit substantial levels of NOx through normal operation, and these emissions can be reduced through careful specification of systems.

With an increasing reliance expected on locally generated electricity in South Africa in the short to mid-term, it is important that electric generators are selected to minimise harmful emissions to the environment.

The backup emergency power generator, installed at the HPI d-school Building, is equipped with various systems and accessories to give low exhaust emissions with good fuel economy.

It is rated against the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Standards, with an emission standard rating of Tier 4. The latter is the most recent engine emissions standard implemented by the EPA. The goal in Tier 4 is to significantly reduce NOx, PM (particulate matter) and CO (carbon monoxide) emissions).


  • EMI-09 – Boiler and Generator Emissions

The aim of this credit is to encourage and recognise the use of boilers and generators that minimise harmful emissions.

Copyright 2024 Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika*
