Internal lighting

Energy-efficient light fittings and fixtures are installed with intelligent controls in the building to provide adequate lighting. This works together with the levels of daylight available in the building through the provision of sensors and digitally-controlled grouping and zoning.

Artificial lighting is one of the major electricity consumers in typical buildings and consumes about 10% ~ 20% of their total electrical energy.

The artificial lighting strategy at the HPI d-school Building has great potential to reduce energy consumption through its implementation of intelligent lighting control systems in conjunction with the daylighting strategy. This has been achieved through the following aspects:

  • Energy efficient LED lighting with a lighting efficiency of less than 1.5 W/m2/100 lux
  • Electric lighting which are not over-designed with excessive illuminance levels
  • Occupancy and daylight sensors to only switch the lighting when needed
  • Dimmable lighting to adjust the light output based on daylight availability
  • Wireless and networked-based system architecture which allows to flexible grouping and zoning without any wiring


  • IEQ-07 – Electric Lighting Levels

The aim of this credit is to encourage and recognise building lighting that is not over designed.

  • ENE-01 – Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The aim of this credit is to encourage and recognise designs that minimise greenhouse gas emissions associated with operational energy consumption.

  • ENE-04 – Lighting Zoning

The aim of this credit is to encourage and recognise lighting design practices that offer greater flexibility for light switching, making it easier to light only occupied areas.

Copyright 2024 Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika*
