Thermal Metering

Meters are provided to measure the total amount of thermal energy consumed. These are connected to an automated monitoring system to facilitate the ongoing management of the energy consumption of all the major systems in the building.

In addition to electrical and water metering and monitoring, the HPI d-school Building also has 2 thermal energy meters, connected to the same monitoring system as the other 2 types of meters.

The purpose of the thermal meters is to track the cooling and/or heating energy of the HVAC systems. Similarly to electrical energy and water monitoring, this provides important insight into energy consumption patterns, identify inefficiencies in real time of the HVAC systems, or make prudent decisions on how best to optimise building efficiency.


  • ENE-02 – Energy Sub-Metering

The aim of this credit is to encourage and recognise the installation of energy sub-metering to facilitate ongoing management of energy consumption.

Copyright 2024 Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika*
