How do we continue to deepen our creative capacities when we don’t have regular access to a design thinking school or we are working beyond the formal design thinking process?
How do we evolve design thinking to honour our natural and individual creative ways of working?
Join this master class that explores the relationship between our inner life and our outer environment to unlock the power of creative flow.
We will explore ways to bring awareness to our default habits of mind and open ourselves to our own creative wisdom and resilience. We will also look at the role context plays in creative work and how we can shape our external environments to set conditions for creativity to emerge.
Together, the responsibility we take for our inner life and our outer reality set the canvas on which we can walk our own path towards an increasingly intentional life informed by a design led mindset in everything we do.
The d-school Afrika will be facilitating design thinking dash for the selected students. A dash is a fast, fun, and concise introduction to Design Thinking. A team of experienced Design Thinkers will coach you through the design thinking process over a 4 hour period. Design thinking Dash is a once-off teaser experience that will give you a practical understanding of how design thinking can be implemented.
Copyright 2025 Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika*