Learn Design Thinking

Student Programmes

Design Thinking Week

Gain skills that will future-proof your career opportunities.


Calling all registered UCT and other Higher Education Institution students. If you are under the age of 35, we invite you to join us for a fast and impactful 4-day immersion in Design Thinking which can enhance your ability to navigate an uncertain world and become more competitive in the job market. This course will introduce you to the key mindsets and problem-solving methodologies of design thinking. You will learn how to develop innovative human-centered solutions in agile, multidisciplinary teams.

This course will help you:

Course Quote

“In SA the situation is even more acute. The country has one of the largest youth populations by percentage and also youth unemployment rates in the world at 74%, coupled with a stalled economy. And the situation has been made worse by the Covid-19 pandemic.

This is not a good thing for anyone. Without the right skills businesses will fail to thrive and grow, the economy will stagnate further, and young people will remain unemployed and understimulated, eroding their self-confidence, stealing their futures and ultimately undermining social stability.”

Thought Leadership piece on Business Day

Course Dates:

25- 28 November 2024

Next Application Deadline:

15 November 2024

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