A preferred parking space has been provided in the basement of the building for any occupants who carpool with their colleagues. Preferred parking spaces are defined as those located closest to the facility entrance or lift / stairs core (aside from parking spaces for disabled users).
In South Africa, there is no existing process for carpool participants. However, staff at the HPI d-school Building are encouraged to begin a programme with the help of a green travel plan, with assistance from the d-school facilities manager to promote the use of car-pooling and car-sharing, thereby reducing single-occupant car use.
The building is also within walking distance to the UCT Jammie Shuttle stops, and staff, students and visitors are encouraged to use the Jammie Shuttles to get to public transport hubs to encourage a shift away from private to public transport, thereby reducing the number of cars on our roads. Information on public transport and Jammie Shuttle timetables can be acquired from the building’s facilities manager.
TRA-02 – Fuel-Efficient Transport
The aim of this credit is to encourage and recognise developments that facilitate the use of more fuel-efficient vehicles for staff and visitors / students travelling to public or education buildings.
Copyright 2024 Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika*