Cyclist facilities

Cyclist facilities are provided for staff, students and visitors to encourage the use of bicycles and reducing the need for motorised transport.

Like the green building movement, promoting bicycles as a mode of transportation has numerous positive impacts on human, environmental and economic health.

With rising population densities resulting in more cars on our roads, it’s now more important than ever to create bike-friendly workplaces and environments. Bicycles are a cost-effective and environmentally-friendly means of transport, producing zero pollution while reducing everyday traffic congestion.

Beyond their environmental benefits, biking is a great aerobic activity that promotes one’s overall health and fitness.

The HPI d-school Building has provided bicycle racks outside the building in addition to bicycle parking spaces in the basement for staff. Staff also have additional facilities such as showers and lockers accessible to them to make it easier for them to cycle to the building.


  • TRA-03 – Cyclist Facilities

The aim of this credit is to encourage and recognise developments that facilitate the use of bicycles by staff, visitors and students.

Copyright 2024 Hasso Plattner d-school Afrika*
